America's Welcoming Service Since 1928Helping Movers Connect with their New Community

Touching the lives of over 1 Million Consumers Monthly

85% of new movers
use the first business that contacts them

Welcome Wagon's Mover Marketing Program is the Best Way to Connect with this Prime Audience
why new movers

Why New Mover Marketing?

New movers will spend more in the first 6 months of a move than the average consumer will spend in three years, and they are 5 times more likely to become your loyal customer if you reach them first.

direct mail marketing

Direct Mail Solutions

Did you know that 80% of new movers redeem coupons from merchants before, during, and after the move? Target new movers in your market with Welcome Wagon’s suite of new mover direct mail marketing solutions.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Solutions

Target new movers multiple times and across multiple channels with our suite of digital marketing solutions. Additionally, you can target homeowners and renters in your target market to expand your reach and maximize your marketing efforts.

Smart Marketing that Delivers Results

With the average business needing to replace about 20% of its customer base that move away in any given year, marketing to the new mover should be your number one strategy. New movers must start fresh, establish new patterns, and find a new network of providers and merchants.
  • Increase your brand awareness in your community
  • Create loyal and long-lasting customers
  • Make the new movers feel welcome in your community
  • Stand out amongst your competitors
I have seen great results from Welcome Wagon for my interior design business. Within one month, I signed a great contract with a local newcomer that came to me through Welcome Wagon!
Jennifer Lanna
Jennifer Lanna Design
Very pleased to say the postcard program far surpassed my expectations! After my first mailing, I figured I would get a few shoppers and stop ins. To date we have taken in 2 new projects worth $9500 and $4300.
Boyd Brackett
Boyd’s Boatworks