25 Compelling Statistics on the Power of Direct Mail Marketing

July 31, 2023by Jennifer Troyan0

Direct mail marketing has stood the test of time as a powerful tool for reaching and engaging customers. In the digital age, where inboxes are inundated with emails and online ads are easily overlooked, direct mail offers a tangible and personalized approach that captures attention.

Here are 25 statistics that showcase the power of direct mail:

Response Rates of Direct Mail
direct mail marketing statistics

1. The average response rate for direct mail to an existing customer list is approximately 9%. (Source: ANA)

Direct mail to existing customers tends to yield higher response rates compared to other marketing channels.

2. Direct mail targeting specific demographics or customer segments achieves a response rate of 4.9%, surpassing digital marketing channels. (Source: Small Biz Genius)

Targeted direct mail campaigns that cater to specific audiences can generate impressive response rates.

3. Direct mail outperforms all digital channels by nearly 600% in terms of response rates. (Source: Data & Marketing Association)

Direct mail consistently demonstrates superior response rates when compared to various digital marketing channels.

Direct Mail Drives Purchases

direct mail marketing statistics
4. 60% of consumers have made a purchase as a result of direct mail. (Source: Compu-Mail)
Direct mail has a significant impact on purchase behavior, driving a majority of consumers to make a purchase.

5. Direct mail generates a higher average order value (AOV) compared to digital marketing channels. (Source: United States Postal Service)
The value of purchases resulting from direct mail tends to be higher, showcasing its influence on consumer spending.

6. 39% of customers try new businesses after receiving direct mail. (Source: United States Postal Service)
Direct mail is a terrific channel for introducing consumers to new businesses and encouraging them to try their products or services.

7. 73% of American consumers prefer being contacted by brands through direct mail rather than other channels. (Source: Small Biz Genius)
Consumers express a preference for receiving communication and offers from brands through direct mail, indicating its relevance and impact on purchasing decisions.

8. Direct mail campaigns generate a median return on investment (ROI) of 29%. (Source: ANA)
Direct mail delivers a favorable ROI, making it a profitable investment for businesses seeking to drive purchases.

9. 69% of consumers agree that direct mail is one of their preferred ways to learn about new products. (Source: Epsilon)
Direct mail is seen as an effective channel for introducing consumers to new products and generating interest and purchases.

10. 51% of customers prefer direct mail when making purchasing decisions. (Source: ANA)
Direct mail plays a significant role in the decision-making process, with a majority of customers expressing a preference for it over other marketing channels.

Related Blog – Direct Mail: How It’s Making a Comeback in the Digital Age


Direct Mail is Personal
direct mail marketing statistics

11. Personalized direct mail can generate up to a 6.5% higher response rate compared to non-personalized mail. (Source: USPS)
Personalization is a key driver of engagement and can significantly impact the effectiveness of direct mail campaigns.

12. 84% of consumers state that personalization makes them more likely to open and read direct mail. (Source: Keypoint Intelligence)
Personalized content increases the likelihood of recipients engaging with and paying attention to direct mail pieces.

13. 90% of consumers find personalization appealing in direct mail, leading to higher overall response rates. (Source: InfoTrends)
Tailoring direct mail to individual recipients’ interests, preferences, and demographics enhances its appeal and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

14. Personalized direct mail can lead to a 29% increase in customer retention rates. (Source: Printivity)
By personalizing direct mail, businesses can strengthen customer relationships, improve loyalty, and encourage repeat business.

15. 63% of consumers expect personalization as a standard feature of direct mail they receive. (Source: Keypoint Intelligence)
Consumers have come to anticipate personalized experiences across all marketing channels, including direct mail. Failing to personalize can result in missed opportunities and decreased engagement.

Consumers Trust Direct Mail
direct mail marketing statistics

16. 9% of consumers find direct mail to be more trustworthy than other marketing channels. (Source: United States Postal Service)
Direct mail is perceived as a reliable and credible form of marketing communication by a majority of consumers.

17. 76% of consumers trust direct mail when making a purchase decision. (Source: Marketing Sherpa)
Direct mail is considered a trustworthy source of information that influences consumers’ purchasing decisions.

18. 70% of Americans believe direct mail is more personal than digital communications. (Source: Compu-Mail)
Direct mail is seen as a personalized form of communication, creating a sense of connection and authenticity.

19. 57% of all age groups feel more valued when they receive direct mail from brands. (Source: United States Postal Service)
Direct mail is perceived as a way for brands to show appreciation and make customers feel valued.

20. 48% of consumers take action after receiving direct mail, such as visiting a website or making a purchase. (Source: ANA)
Direct mail has the power to prompt consumers to engage and take desired actions, showcasing its influence and trustworthiness.

Direct Mail for Targeting New Movers

direct mail marketing statistics

21. 40% of consumers report changing their buying behaviors during a move, creating opportunities for businesses to target them with relevant direct mail offers. (Source: Experian)
Moving presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with consumers through direct mail, as their buying habits are in a state of flux.

22. Direct mail targeting new movers generates an average response rate of 4.9%, making it an effective strategy for reaching this audience. (Source: Small Biz Genius)
Direct mail campaigns specifically targeting new movers have a relatively high response rate, indicating their receptiveness to relevant offers.

23. 82% of movers who receive direct mail from businesses find it helpful for discovering local services and products in their new area. (Source: Data & Marketing Association)
Direct mail provides valuable information to movers as they seek out local businesses and services in their new neighborhood.

24. 44% of movers say they save direct mail offers received during their move for future use, demonstrating the lasting impact of direct mail during the moving process. (Source: United States Postal Service)
Direct mail has a lasting impact on movers, with a significant percentage saving offers for later use, indicating its influence beyond the immediate move.

25. 61% of new movers report that direct mail influenced their decision to visit a local business or store. (Source: Data & Marketing Association)

Direct mail plays a significant role in influencing new movers’ decisions to visit local businesses, making it an effective channel for driving foot traffic and increasing sales.

For more information and ideas for your direct mail campaign and how to reach new movers, contact Welcome Wagon

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