
Year-End Marketing Campaigns That Pack a Punch for Small Businesses

December 1, 2023by Larisa Bedgood0
By Jennifer Troyan As the year draws to a close, it’s essential for small businesses to finish strong and set the stage for a successful new year. Your year-end marketing campaigns can be a powerful tool to achieve just that. Here are some creative and effective marketing strategies that can help you make the most...

How New Movers Use Social Media for Shopping and Local Business Exploration

November 21, 2023by Larisa Bedgood0
Moving to a new neighborhood is a transformative experience that often involves significant changes in daily routines, habits, and lifestyle choices.  Social media platforms are a preferred channel for many new movers who are engaged in shopping and researching products, services, and local businesses. In fact, according to Porch Group Media New Mover Trends report,...